Vinsamlegast hafið samband
+354 8961323 /
Brautarholti 8, 2.hæð, hægri, hægri
105 Reykjavík
Hanna Jónsdóttir studied Identity at the Design Academy Eindhoven, where she focused on sustainability and the importance of conversation in her graduation projects. In her final year she did internship in Andwerp at Pelicanavenu with the owner Carolin Lerch and at the same time with architect Kris Kimpe in that same city.
Hanna´s main focus is on the concept and storytelling. To be playfull and try different ways on different things. She takes things apart and puts them together, looking for simplisity, honesty and new order. Hanna founded Ðyslextwhere in 2007, a company which focuses on modernising handcraft by opening up to imperferfection, like typos. Hanna is also one of the creators of Attikatti, a group of experimental designers. In 2011 Hanna's project "Þéttsetrið" (Corner ensamble) was the runner up as The Product of the Year in the magazine Grapevine. Since 2013 Hanna has been researching the alzheimer's disease through her project "Hjúfra", experimenting in gaming design and storytelling. Hanna got her MA degree in art education in year 2021 from the Academy of Arts in Iceland. You might also find her work under the name Hanna frá /from Jaðri/Jadar.
Persónulegri útgáfan og alþýðlegri.
Ég hræðist að vera í bíl á ferð í hálku, mannýg naut og almennt stjórnleysi. Svo held ég að ég sé ennþá hrædd við ljóta kallinn á Sléttaleiti. Hann var nú samt bara tilbúningur greyið en er farinn að taka á sig mismunandi myndir. Ljóti karlinn er þannig myndlíking fyrir eitthvað sem að hræðir mann og minnir mann á sínar eigin takmarkanir. Ég er samt mikið hræddari um eitthvað en við.